Bookmark this page to stay up to date with all upcoming events that are organized by the Club, or where we will be participating.



Wauchope Yesteryear Truck & Machinery Show 2024

Our annual Show, traditionally held in July, has been moved to 4-5-6-7 October 2024 with set up on Friday 4th. It will still be held at Wauchope Showground with plans for a much enlarged event. Flyers will be distributed at a later date.

For secretaries , please note date in your newsletters and advise your members.

There will not be a Saturday night dinner as in past shows. We plan to have additional food outlets and a bar in operation to cater for the Saturday night meal.

There will be a tractor run on Friday 4th Oct. It is also proposed to have a drive through town with a limited number of trucks and tractors on Friday & Saturday.

It is propose to hold the Pacin-the-Pacific event on 6-7 July 2024, in place of the show usually held at that time, based from Wauchope Showground and to travel a route yet to be decided. All vehicles, trucks, cars and bikes are invited to participate. This is a great drive and get together.



Mid Coast Ford Motorfest '25

Created by the Great Lakes Historic Automobile Club some thirty-odd years ago, this annual event has become a great day out for families and car buffs alike, often attracting crowds in the thousands.


If it's on wheels, we welcome it at Motorfest! Annually featuring Veteran, Vintage & Classic Cars, Motorcycles, Muscle Cars, Hot Rods, Stationary Engines, Street Machines and more. Every year, our Club strives to put on a bigger and better event.


Entry to the public is always always FREE. The vehicle display fee is $15 per vehicle. Proceeds from Motorfest are donated to a local charity.


Click Here for more information




To promote our Club we ask you to display your Club windscreen banner on your car when parked in a group.


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